Thursday, October 17, 2019

The worst day of my life (in elementary school)

Once upon a ti-                                                                                                                                                                  
CUT! Wrong line!
Oh sorry...
Elementary school... the easiest of all, games, less homework, fun! How can a child’s life be so easy? Well until you get in trouble... children tend to behave to get “special prizes” when I mean “special prizes” I mean stickers, small prizes and I cannot forget the classic... tiger tickets... yes tiger tickets. All you can buy at the tiger store! Slime, pencils, books, small figurines, shirts, and stuffed animals any child would want that just for a small piece of paper! I’ve had all those experiences. Today I’m just gonna talk about that one time I got in trouble “one time” yea...

I’m going to spare the back story for y’all and get right into the action! So! It was the end of the day of 1st grade I was packing up and then that’s when I thought hmmm... I could steal those kitty stickers right now and get outta here innocent! Yea i was thinking of stealing a small packet of kitty stickers...   why? In all of the things I could steal I wanted cat stickers... BAHAHAHA well you sea here I really liked cats when I was little I always wanted one! But of course I never got one hm.. poor parents... yea right ok anyway... as I finished packing up I was the only kid in that class left.. I thought to myself... hmm I’m going to steal them! Your guessing right know what happened right? I stole them.
When I was stuffing them in my back pack oh look who showed up!

“What’s that your stuffing into your back pack hm?”

“Nothing?..” I replied with a quiet whisper

“Let me see then...”

She walked over and checked my bag... there were the kitty stickers. I froze. My body started to shake she took the kitty stickers out of my bag and said... I forgot what she said... I think it was something about blah blah parents blah blah bad kid blah stealing bad blah blah... my eyes started to tear up and I started to cry... okay just saying I was a very quiet sensitive kid back then? Don’t judge me but I was a cry baby. I started crying and she talking to me a bit and she took me outside and there were my moms friend standing there and I wiped away my tears and went to get inside the car I didn’t say a word. She asked me what’s wrong? I didn’t say word. Of course my parents found our and I obviously got in trouble... duh. I’ll tell you the reason I stole them... so the teacher would do this thing when you get a star you get to pick out of the prize box. I was a very good kid okay? And she never gave me one! She even have some to the kids who were MISBEHAVING like excuse me miss? I was mad there’s your reason.

Well guess what happened!  She either got fired or left or retired who knows? No my mom is not a Karen okay she never talked to staff or the manager. Anyway we got a new teacher... this new teacher was AMAZING her name was mrs Alex not gonna use her full name but friends from 1st grade? Y’all know who she is. Yea not that bad but that was horrifying for me in 1st grade.

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