Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Black fish 2

so part 1 of black fish was pretty interesting. After I watched the documentary and the interviews... I’m in a half and half. In one of the interviews one of the people said that it’s not sea worlds fault? I mean it kinda is but kinda is not because you never know when the animals gonna react the way they would react. Though you should keep them in the wild at the same time because they are WILD animals? Right? They have feelings too I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want yourself in a giant pool for your whole life only used to make money? I know they take care of the animals but realize that they spend 2/3 of there life in a pool... it’s sad if you think about it deeply :(

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Black fish 1

Let’s talk about black fish. Some of you may not know what black fish is. Black fish is a documentary of a killer whale by the name of Tilikum. Tilikum was a killer whale at sea world. He sadly died though many years after the documentary was made. Although he may seem nice he drowned and killed 3 people! Sea world then promised that they would drop breeding there killer whales. A few years later Tilikum sadly passed away.... sea world did have a problem with the documentary denying the situations as accidents.